Sunday 7 January 2018

A World Gone Plastic

Undoubtedly, climate change is one of the greatest issues facing humanity, however, this is not our only concern as shown by the nine planetary boundaries developed in 2015. Arguably climate change is something we can't solve in our lifetime. But we can address novel entities like marine plastics - a concept yet to be defined.

Marine plastics is increasingly publicised throughout social media and the news, YouTube has over 42,800 videos. The key implications of marine plastics are listed below and expanded by the IUCN:
  1. The marine environment 
  2. Food and health
  3. Climate change 
  4. Tourism

For an in-depth look at marine plastics, check out this blog and short videos below.

Before the New Year, the UNEP proposed a resolution on marine plastics and microplastics, marking a significant and genuine attempt in addressing marine litter. It builds on the voluntary #CleanSeas campaign of February 2017, which has since gained pledges from 40 countries. However, there are alarming parallels to climate change resolutions which to this day are not binding and progress is slow. a

Let's hope to eradicate marine litter by 2025!

Here are 9 ways YOU CAN reduce plastic use.

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